A New Prospect” by Wayne Zurl is a recommended read for anyone liking mystery stories with excellent characters. Zurl has set this novel in the perfect place, the mountains of Tennessee. Here we find true-to-life characters, an inside look at the ‘good ole’ boys’ network, still active in many rural counties.
The plot grabs you from the onset and holds you. I found Zurl’s dialogue to be realistic as was his descriptions.
Zurl has created an excellent protagonist, especially for us southerners. A New York detective retires and moves to the country. That in itself paints an interesting picture. However, lessons well learned up north come into play, but disrupt the locals way of life.
Zurl uses each character like an artist uses colors and creates a tense story that will keep the reader reading…that’s the mark of a great novel.
Robert Lee Carey, Jr. Author of GABBY